Wednesday, 26 March 2014

7 Ways To Drink More Water When You Don't Like It

It's not easy to drink 2 liters of water when you like water, let alone when you don't exactly enjoy drinking the stuff.

Water is good for you. Water is amazing for you. Water. Water. Water... Easier said than done! I was too lazy to keep drinking so much water. It made me feel full and bloated and I didn't like the taste. So I stuck to soda, juice, coffee and everything that wasn't pure water. 

So here's what worked for me. I tricked myself in to it. I didn't force myself so if I didn't stick to the plan, I tried again the next day.

I started by drinking flavored water: Crystal Light, Mio, Gatorade..etc. I needed less and less as time went on till I started enjoying plain water. I kept water accessible (a bottle near every window will stay cool...some days even freeze but hey I live in Canada!) and yes I was THAT lazy. I also found that I liked my water a certain temperature so I found ways to keep it that way. I don't enjoy COLD water. I don't enjoy room temperature. I like COOL water. Enough that it's refreshing but not so cold that I can't drink a whole glass in one shot. Results I went from 2 glasses a day to about 1 glass every 2 hours - more if I work out.

This will not work for everyone but here are some tricks you can try:

1. Flavored water

2. Tea - use raspberry, green, lemon or any other tea you might like. Make a lot at once and let it cool in a glass jar. You'll get additional benefits from this.
3. Smaller amounts. Start with drinking half or a quarter glass every hour and increase as your body gets used to it.

4. Drink water when you feel hunger. It's probably thirst you're feeling but your body recognizes it as hunger.

5. Do thirty jumping jacks till you get thirsty. (exercise and water in one shot!)

6. Play with the temperature. You may not like water because you haven't found your ideal temperature. Remember this is about preference...your body is designed to like water so whenever you find a form of water that appeals to your taste buds your body will thank you!
7. Bloating from water is sometimes hard to avoid at first but keep doing it till your body learns to expel water at the same time. Side effect: you will pee a lot! Your pee should be the colour of lemonade or almost clear when you drink enough.

These may or may not work for you but the bottom line is, at some point you're going to have recognize that the benefits you get will waaaay outweigh the effort. This will be worth it. So here are benefits that may motivate:

Weight Loss - You will. I have and water helps.

Metabolism boost - I know a lot of people who have experienced this. I  have been regularly working out and trying to eat healthy so I have noticed that my metabolism is more active (I get hungry a lot more often and have to eat smaller meals more often) but cannot just chalk it up to water alone.

Detox - This benefit I noticed one hundred percent. Everything feels clean and light inside. I don't know how else to describe the feeling.

Balanced mood and clarity - My husband doesn't hide from me anymore. Joking...It's a joke. 

Healthier Skin - I have extremely dry skin and seasonal eczema. It's winter so I can't say. I also live in a city known for it's dry conditions.

Happy Drinking...Water! Please share if you enjoyed this post. 

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